Consultant Spotlight - September 2023


Ziad Sabry

PhD Student in Cell and Molecular Biology


How long have you been with miLEAD? 

1 year.

What is the focus of your research?

The focus of my research is cardiac reprogramming and heart repair. Specifically, I am interested in reprogramming scar tissue to functional blood vessels and identifying novel metabolites that could be used to prevent heart tissue from dying off after a heart attack.

What are your current career goals?

I am very open-minded at this stage in my career. I really enjoy mentoring and being part of a team so I can see myself in consulting, industry, or academia.

What roles have you played on projects? 

I have been a consultant on three projects and a project manager on one project so far.

What led you so seek out milead?

I spent my entire working life in a laboratory since high school. I sought out miLEAD to 1) get a taste of other career options and 2) help develop soft skills that are essential to being part of a team in general.

Since joining miLEAD, what skills have you been able to develop?

miLEAD has significantly helped me develop my soft skills, especially when I became a project manager. Being at the helm of a project, I very quickly learned how to most efficiently run a project, how to be an effective leader, and that each team member requires a unique kind of support to succeed.

What has been one of your most rewarding experiences thus far working with miLEAD? 

The most rewarding experiences working with miLEAD have by far come from the interactions with my teammates and the clients. I am always happy when a teammate reaches out to me for with a concern and I am able to help them. I am frequently impressed to see the breadth of research and creativity that our team pulls off each and every week. In addition, I really enjoy maintaining correspondence with the client to make sure that our team is doing everything possible to address their questions and concerns. It is very satisfying knowing that a client will leave a meeting happy and with all their concerns addressed.