Consultant Spotlight - September 2022


Hannah Schrader

PhD Student in Cellular and Molecular Biology


How long have you been with miLEAD? 

Since 2019.

What is the focus of your research?

I study how cells communicate during embryonic development.

What are your career goals? 

Management Consulting with a Healthcare or Life Science Focus.

What roles have you played on projects? 

I have been a consultant, PM, and Adviser.

What led you so seek out milead?

I learned about miLEAD on my interview weekend and knew it was something I wanted to be involved in. No other school I applied to had anything like it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my PhD when I started grad school and felt like miLEAD was a unique opportunity to learn about a lot of different fields.

Since joining miLEAD, what skills have you been able to develop?

Leadership, Confidence, Project Management, and Business Acumen.

What has been one of your most rewarding experiences thus far working with miLEAD? 

I have really enjoyed learning about a wide range of industries. It has made me realize that the PhD has prepared me to think critically about all problems regardless of topic. I have also really enjoyed serving on the board. Getting to work alongside a group of like-minded driven graduate students has been a pleasure both personally and professionally.