Consultant Spotlight - December 2023


Zie Craig

PhD Student in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology


Do you currently hold any graduate level degrees (PhD, MD, etc.)?

Masters of Science (Biology)

How long have you been with miLEAD? 

I joined miLEAD in Fall 2022, so just over one year!

What is the focus of your research?

My research is in epithelial cell biology. I am studying the role of a protein called Anillin in regulating contractility within normal cellular maintenance processes, and as a potential dysregulated mechanism in kidney disease pathogenesis.

What are your current career goals?

Following graduation, my goal is to work in life sciences consulting, or in a similar role within biotechnology or healthcare.

What roles have you played on projects? 

I have been a consultant on two miLEAD projects; one in biotechnology and one in heavy machinery. I was just recently promoted to the role of project manager, and I'm looking forward to my first project in this new role.

What led you to seek out milead?

Prior to joining graduate school, I worked in sales for several years at a medical equipment company and at a dietary supplement and pharmaceutical company. I really enjoyed learning about the products, and working with and educating clients, but I wanted to be closer to the science behind new, cutting-edge technology. Life sciences consulting is a great way to do both! I've always found that the best way to decide if a career is right for you is to get real-world experience, and joining miLEAD has been an incredible opportunity to do so during my PhD training.

Since joining miLEAD, what skills have you been able to develop?

One of the most useful skills I've developed by working as a miLEAD consultant is the ability to streamline and refine my [secondary] research skills. When you work on a project, you need to make every minute count towards your deadline, so it's important to perform the most efficient research.

What has been one of your most rewarding experiences thus far working with miLEAD? 

Working alongside a team to create a complete and cohesive solution for a client has been very rewarding and fun. It's so satisfying to see everyone's hard work come together in the final group presentations for the client.